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- Etudes sur la Belgique. Conférences faites au VIe cours international d'expansion commerciale (22/7 au 10/8/1912). Avec 54 tableaux, 23 diagrammes et 16 cartes et planches hors texteHALKIN Joseph, EECKHOUT Georges, JANSSEN Albert, PIERARD Oscar, LALIERE A., DECHESNE Laurent, JULIN Armand, EECKELS Joseph, DAVIGNON Henri, JANSSENS Edouard, DUBOIS Ernest, ROLIN Henri, et autres€501913
- A book of Belgium's Gratitude comprising literary articles by representative Belgians, together with their translations by various hands, and illustrated throughout in colour and black and white by Belgian artists.Cammaerts, Emile / Emile Claus / Henri Davignon / Paul Lambotte / a.o., editors.€351916
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